

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Community Governance Review consultation meeting – 11 May 2016

Submission by Transforming Trowbridge
Thank you for the opportunity to make representations, on behalf of Transforming Trowbridge, on this most important subject.
Transforming Trowbridge is a private sector led partnership focussed on promoting, facilitating and enabling investment opportunities in Wiltshire’s County Town.

We have adopted a number of priorities one of which is to support the initiative to enlarge the town's boundaries.

It is important that Trowbridge grows to strengthen its principal service centre role and deliver improved infrastructure and facilities in the town. Sustainable growth with employment development alongside new housing is needed, both within the central area of the town and in the form of an urban extension, which is fully integrated with the town centre.

These words are not mine, rather those of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.

The inclusion within the town boundary of the allocated and built housing sites and employment land close to the town is an imperative to enable resource to become available for investment in the social, economic and environmental aspects of the town.  This is so important when promoting the area to potential investors.
I contend that the adoption of the proposal to extend the town boundaries is in the best interests not just of the town, but also of Wiltshire Council and the parishes whose size will be reduced.
In a large unitary county such as Wiltshire, there is significant advantage in using the review process to differentiate between urban and rural populations.  West Ashton, for example, is a parish with a distinct identity e.g. church, village hall, school.  In the next few years the parish will be swamped by development to the north of the A350.  Already there are a significant number of houses closer to Tesco in Trowbridge than West Ashton Village Hall.  The people who live in those houses relate to Trowbridge as will those who occupy the proposed developments and see or will see themselves as part of the Trowbridge community.  The residents will say they live in Trowbridge (not West Ashton).  The same arguments will be true for much of the development in other parishes.
Wiltshire Council by its own planning policies has identified the Trowbridge  community area as a major growth area.  Having done this, it inevitably follows that this review must take account of this and include significant areas of that allocation within the town.  The development sites have been identified because (and only because) they are adjacent to Trowbridge.
Enabling Trowbridge to grow will enable Wiltshire Council to delegate significant activities and services to the Town Council who will then have significant additional resources to improve and provide a wide range of social and environmental facilities.

I understand that some may wish to defend the boundaries of the existing parishes but this a point of view based on emotion rather than logic.

Wiltshire Council is required to carry out the review reflecting the identities and interests of the communities in the area.
Strategically, in a large (still mainly) rural unitary authority it is in the best interest of Wiltshire Council to develop strong urban centres which can take care of themselves, provide services and lead initiatives to encourage investment.

Transforming Trowbridge trust that Wiltshire Council will make a positive decision and deliver an expanded and stronger County Town

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